Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The end of a few of our homeschooling activities...

All good things must come to an end...
trying to "socialize" my homeschool only child I have enrolled her in many activities. They all end before summer starts. Some earlier then others. For swim class we have to re-enroll her every 8 weeks. Well with all that is going on in our busy and crazy life I forgot to enroll her for the last spring session. OOPS. It was too late by time I called. I am not really heartbroken about this and she hasn't even noticed. :)
She took gymnastics at CD Rec and that ended in April. It was fun in a very unorganized way. Samantha enjoyed it and that is what counts right??? We did meet a few other homeschooling families.
We are left with Baton, Ballet & Tap class. The recitals are next month and that will end until the fall.
We joined a homeschool group and that will come to an end in June and start back up in the fall. We have a few more activities with them.
MOPS- our mom's group. This will come to an end this month. We do plan play dates for the summer. We have a few homeschooling families that belong and we meet up separately too for some activities....(I will post about this later)

so is that is? what else do we do.... as if this is not enough....
Oh we go to story hour almost every week at the library and often come home with many books to read and return the following week. Normal story hour ends in June.

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