Friday, August 19, 2011

Can you believe....

that its almost the end of August? Where does the time go? We have been having a busy summer.

With the end of summer comes the beginning of a new and exciting school year. Can you believe Samantha is now a first grader!!! Guess what? I finally decided on what curriculum to use. LOL I purchased it all so there is no turning back now. I think if I tried Steve would have a fit. LOL I have spent way too many hours trying to decide. Then changing my mind. Then changing it once again. We do have many fun things planned this coming year. But first here is what we are using...

Math- Horizon's Math
Phonics- Abeka
Spelling- Spelling workout A
History- History for little pilgrims / Road Trip USA
Grammar- Free program that I downloaded so long ago I don't even know who its by.
Science- Abeka

So its all been purchased and all but 2 books have been delivered so there is no turning back on what we use. I am at peace with these choices too. No more second guessing myself. I am excited about this school year. Samantha seems it too. She keeps looking at all the supplies I have bought (yes I do purchase way to many things :) ) They have taken over our dining room, much to Steve's dismay.

As for the fun activities planned...
A trip to Plymouth Plantation, the Easton Children's museum (Thanks for free tickets!), I purchased discounted tickets to the Museum of Natural History & Planetarium, Some nature walks, Swim classes again and many more fun things that we will think of during the year.

What I am trying to find is a good program for art and music. I feel that even the public schools are lacking in these and so is our homeschool. We tried learning the recorder with our Mops homeschooling friends. But due to many outside issues we only had a few lessons. Maybe when she is older it will be more appealing.

Well here is to a new school year!

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