Monday, October 24, 2011

They joys and not so joys of flexiable homeschooling...

Because I work part time I have to find ways of getting it all in. I have had to learn to be flexible in where and when "school work" happens. Most days its not a problem. I go to work Sam is with a sitter. I do send her with some work that she can handle on her own to do. With the understanding that she doesn't have to do it as I am her homeschool teacher not my sitters. But if she gets it done that less she has to do when I get out of work. When I get home we start our day. So far this has worked out fine.

We do school work all over actually. On our way to our last field trip Samantha was doing her addition work in the back seat as I drove. She reads out loud to me when we are driving somewhere. That helps squeeze in the extra reading for the day. Getting ready for work in the morning we can get a lesson of history or science in. I often feel that in some ways the flexible way we work it out, we find many ways to enjoy and take advantage of learning in weird and fun ways. We school outside,inside, snuggling on the couch. I have taken her to work and she does her school work there. I find the joy of learning something new in Samantha's eyes amazing especially when she searches it out and wants to learn about what she sees and experiences.

Most days this goes smoothly or somewhat smoothly. Other days I feel like I am a mouse running on a wheel to no where. On those days when I need things to work out right and something comes along to throw a wrench into my plans. Or when Daddy is on school duty and I come home to find out they just began their day of learning thinking they have all the time in the world and we have to leave in 1 hour for a lesson. Those are the days I feel like I am running that wheel to no where. These are the days that I feel I need to simplify my life. To find ways to get rid of the not needed and keep only what is needed to keep things going smoothly. To keep what is important, family life + school life - clutter - the extra = a simplified life. If only it could be that easy.

Have you ever tried to slow down? To stop saying yes to what others need of you? Have you ever just tried to be even for one day or one hour to stop running the race. The sense of peace you get from doing just what needs to be done. To simplify. I have had a few of those days recently and those days have me really reevaluating what is important and what needs to be done and what can be left undone by me. What I can say without a doubt is stealing my peace. Those are the things that need to go in my life.

Thanks to a friend who posted a similar blog post on her own blog it really got me thinking even more about this. Thank you Danielle for putting into words what I have been thinking for a long time.

So in the days and weeks to come I will be simplifying my life. To try and do what matters. Some things to go with be as needed, some right away and others will take time to undo commitments. Some have to wait until the commitment is done.

Now I hope I didn't make homeschooling out to be a bad and stressful thing. It's been an amazing journey so far. I love homeschooling my daughter and pray that I can continue to do this for a long time. Just like anything in life you really need to look at it and decided what is important and what is just taking up space in your life. If Samantha was in school there would still be many thing if not more things to make me feel this way. I think its the trying to fit it all in.... there isn't enough hours in the day to do all that is needed of me.

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