Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Very pleased...

Well yesterday I had my meeting with the principal of Samantha's assigned school. The school is a nice looking school. What you expect of one of the smaller schools left standing in Fall River. I am glad I love the smaller schools. But anyway....
It went well. The principal is very nice. Offered us if there is anything she can do for us to please let her know. She looked over the work we had so far and said she seems right on target. :) She signed off on our letter of intent, I signed it and now the superintendent has to. I am excited in a way. It was a weight off my shoulders. I know I didn't have to meet with her but for us it was the right thing to do. We will plan on meeting with her about half way through the year.

The other thing is they do offer for Samantha to participate in any of the schools activities. So we were thinking of letting her take music there. I have the days they do first grade music and I think we might take advantage of it.

The only other thing I did forget to ask her... I am curious to see what the standards are for first grade what she should know by the end of the year according to the Fall River public school system. I just might email her an ask or wait until our next meeting we will see....

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